fellow this tutorial to flash any mtk smartphone and device using free sp flashtool
- Use this tutorial if your smartphone contains mediatek chipset.
- device should have 80 percent Of battery.
- A Laptop or Computer to perform flash operation.
- The correct firmware, downoad it from Stock roms section.
- Make sure not to skip any line, read guide tutorial carefully.
- Install MediaTek usb drivers (Vcom Preloader Usb driver)
- GSM-FLASH team is not responsible for any damage may happend to your Phone.
Download Smart Phone Flashtool then read step by step tutorial
Step by step to use sp flashtool
1-Prepare mtk smartphone, power it off from home screen or remove the battery then put it back without booting the phone (if you have a non-removable battery simply switch it off from home screen or keep pressing power button), Now launch Flash_tool.exe.
2-In the download tab, click on the scatter-loading button.

3-Locate the scatter file (you find it inside stock rom folder), unchek preloader if you are not sure about phone version.

4-Now, Click on download button to start flashing process.
Warning: if your phone does not have boot problem, uncheck Preloader for a safe flash.

5-Connect the powered off smartphone to computer using usb cable with battery inside, In rare cases you need to press volume up or volume down or both when plug usb cable.
6-downloading will begin, once flash is completed, a green OK ring will appear.

7-disconnect android device, reinsert battery or keep pressing power button till the phone start powering on.
Congratulation, the stock rom is successfully installed on the android smartphone, this is how you flash mtk smartphone.